Why all FUNCTION products contain mushroom extracts
Did you know that humans and mushrooms share about 85% RNA and 50% DNA ? This means that mushrooms are actually closer to people and animals than to plants. That may sound crazy, but far back in our evolution we split from a common ancestor.

The Power of Whole Foods
“It all starts with good nutrition.”
That is the first thing we say when we explain our concept. The power of our functional food does not only lie in the supplements, but in the combination of supplements with whole food ingredients as a basis.

Raw Food: What Is It and Why Should You Eat It?
Raw food , or the raw food diet, has become very popular in recent years. But what are raw foods and what are their benefits? And are there also foods that you should not eat raw or that are better for you if you heat them ? That's right, in this blog article you will learn exactly how this works and how you can raw foods the best thing to add to your diet.